Ruedas nevas y usadas
Full Sleeve Swooper Feather Flag.
Flag size: 12x3ft.
15ft tall on pole, choose one from below.
Long-lasting UV treated super-knitted polyester material with vibrant colors.
Reinforced sleeve.
Easy installation.
For price inquiries click on CONTACT US
Add quality hardware below
PLEASE READ THIS NOTE: Displaying a swooper flag the right way you need specially designed 15ft tall pole and a base like ground spike.
If you need hardware choose below.
The most popular combination: aluminum pole with fiber glass top and steel ground spike.
Our regular swooper flags are printed both sides (Duplex or Dual print). It has same quality both sides and has higher visibility and last much longer. Reversed image on rear. (like the US flags)
Double sided flags have same or different image on the rear side.
All of our flags are full sleeve, no need for wind.